
We consult in governance framework development and enterprise architecture implementation, as well asICT strategy implementation and alignment. This is all done using existing frameworks, namely CoBIT5, ITIL, ToGAF, AIIM and Prince2.

What are the benefits?

Our customers benefit from:

• Clear communication of the ICT department’s mandate
• Prioritising ICT initiatives according to organisational value
• Positioning ICT as a strategic enabler of a business strategy
• Articulating ICT value propositions
• Use as a guide for ICT direction
• Instilling a sound governance structure and organisational principles

Who does it benefit?

• CEOs
• Board of Directors
• CIO/ IT Managers

Core Features

ICT Strategy

ICT is a business imperative. Through strategic ICT planning, your organisation’s vision is aligned to operations that drive and enable effective business strategy. When a business’ vision is translated into quantifiable objectives, performance can be measured. We assist your organisation through the journey of ensuring that ICT helps you reach your business goals.

ICT Governance

ICT governance is about managing risk and optimising resource allocation to achieve business objectives. Good ICT governance is obtained through a combination of instruments and a governance framework that compels an organisation to have appropriate policies to convert organisational principles into desired behaviour.

Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise architecture (EA) is an ICT map of your entire organisation.EA through ToGAF tools, like the Application Data Management (ADM) cycle, can be used to implement a business-aligned ICT strategy through multiple ADM cycles.

Process Analysis

Our consulting services extend to process analysis as well, resulting in a better understanding of your organisation that allows you to implement improved processes and efficiencies.