
Customer Experience (CX) is a customer relationship management approach that focuses on giving customers the best experience throughout their engagements with an organisation. To achieve immaculate CX, SAP offers an integrated cloud solution portfolio, handling customer data, marketing, commerce, sales, services and more, that all fall under the umbrella term, SAPC/4 HANA.

why choose us?

We are your trusted partner for the consultation and implementation of SAP CX portfolio of products. Blue chip organisations utilise our services for the following reasons:

● We are an accredited experienced SAP CXImplementation Partner with footprints in both the public and private sector
● We get it right the first time, on time
● We will be there for your organisation, every step of the way, from planning, all the way through to implementation, testing, training, and support

SAP CX Portfolio of Products

SAP Customer Data Cloud

This is focused on gathering, keeping, and protecting customer information. It will also allow your customers to control their data in a compliant manner.


● Management of customer consents
● Customer identity management and standardised customer profiles
● Single sign-on functionality

SAP Marketing Cloud

This solution will allow your organisation to deliver contextual, consistent, and relevant marketing through numerous channels.


● Dynamic customer profiling and lead-management
● Segmenting campaigns
● Market planning, performance and analysis

SAP Commerce Cloud

This will help the organisation control its sales across all channels through content, experience and order management. It will also provide customers with a consistent view of product content across all of devices.

Features of SAP Commerce Cloud

● Customisable B2B and B2C commerce offerings
● Product content and catalogue management
● Merchandising and promotions

SAP Sales Cloud

This solution provides the sales team with a 360-degree view of customer profiles, giving them more insight during the sales process, and using artificial intelligence for sales forecasting.


● Lead and opportunity management
● Sales automation
● Sales management and forecasting

SAP Service Cloud

This gives an organisation the ability to deliver omni-channel, digital customer support, allowing it to bridge the gap between front-office engagements and back-office processes, by using self-service capabilities.


● Omni-channel call centre
● Service ticket management
● Self-service
● Mobile, offline and real-time field service management